Entry 1:  Share Knowledge

There is this thing with the Middle Ages, you either love the time or you hate it.  I find myself partial to the times, I love the literature of the time, the abundance and richness of the arts as man strove to become even better in whatever was to be done.  I find myself loving everything about the lore of the times because without that we wouldn’t be where we are or who we are.


And so, this is the journal of a mediævalist who looks at today through the eyes of discovery and searches for what brought about such brilliant changes on the one hand and how, to a great extent, our lack of understanding the past, is bringing us closer to disaster and extinction.  What are we doing to this brave world?


We have done more harm to our planet these last two hundred years or so than all the mediæval wars put together.  We have intoxicated our planet and our unsatisfied self wants more and more everyday.  Why can’t we, like most decent folk of years gone by, sit quietly by a fireside and sing, or write, or sip our mead and have a healthy discussion away from anything so technological?  The answer is, most probably, right before our eyes.  We do not really want to be bothered with the past.  We believe it has nothing to teach us and we go one step further and say that we can do even better without our past and our roots.


Insanity.  That is what this is.  We are stark mad because we cannot be who we are if we cut ourselves completely to what brought us here in the first place.  And this is where my blog comes in.  Come travel with me on this journey to the past much the same way as Chaucer travelled Europe and let’s explore the wonderful heritage of our past.


Keep in touch!


6th May 2018

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